The annual summer picnic is held at Hoover Y-Park in September. The 2018 picnic was the 17th anniversary of this event with nearly 350 people in attendance. This event also features a vintage car show, the SHSAA with more than 60 cars on display. The 11th annual SHSAA Cruise-In was held in 2018. The picnic and car show raised money for the SHSAA Scholarship Fund. Special thanks to Steve Stoll ('63) for these excellent pictures.
The 34th Annual SHSAA Oldies Dance was held on Saturday of February 9, 2019. It is a major part of SHSAA's fundraising efforts each year. The 2019 dance attracted 235 participants. The Oldies Dance was started by four SHS alumni in the late '80s and has been held continuously for more than 30 years. The January 2019 issue of the Bulldog Bulletin features a story describing this Southside tradition. Be sure to read it. This was the fourth year that the dance was held at our new location, the Plumbers and Pipefitters Union Hall on Kinnear Rd. Perfect spot for a perfect night! Special thanks to Jerry Driggs (1969) for this picture album.